陳塘偉律師 Tang-Wei Chen
Email: tangweichen@clc-law.com.tw
- 曾任環宇法律事務所律師
- 曾任普華商務法律事務所律師
- 財團法人創新創業總會青創學院約聘講師
- 台北設計建材中心約聘講師
- 司法院司法智識庫信託法資料整編研究助理
- 國立臺北大學法學碩士
- 私立東吳大學法學士
Education and Experience
- Practicing law since 2011
- Attorney at Liang & Partners Law Offices
- Attorney at PwC Legal LLP
- Research Assistant, “Compilation of Trust Law Materials in the Judicial Information Library”,
- LL.M., National Taipei University
- LL.B., Soochow University
- 上市、櫃公司一般法律諮詢
- 公司經營權爭議,以及衍生之訴訟及非訟事件
- 違反公司法及證券交易法衍生之民、刑事案件
- 知名財團法人董監事改選相關法律諮詢,及衍生之訴訟及非訟事件
- 知名保險公司轉投資中國保險事業規劃及法令遵循研究
- 代表金管會保險局對保險公司進行法律查核
- 代表交通部處理多起民事、行政訴訟
- 代表知名上市公司處理多起民事、刑事、行政訴訟
- 一般民事、刑事、行政訴訟案件
- 不動產開發規劃、招商與議約
- 工程爭議處理及履約風險管理
- 各類契約之研擬及修正
Specialized Area
- Legal Consultant for listed/ OTC-traded companies
- Company management disputes, relevant litigations and non-litigious cases
- Company reorganization and M&A related planning
- Civil, Criminal cases regarding violations of the Company Act and Securities and Exchange Act
- Legal advice, relevant litigations and non-litigious cases regarding re-election of directors and supervisors of noted foundations Investment planning and legal compliance for a leading insurance company’s investment in China
- Civil, criminal and administrative litigations
- Real estate development, planning, business invitation and contract negotiation
- Construction disputes and risk management of contract performance
- Draft, review and revision of contracts
- 「境外公司授信法律問題研究」碩士論文
- 「從泰豐輪胎案看定暫時狀態假處分」,刊於月旦會計實務研究,第51期
- 「公司負責人判斷──由最高法院109年度台上字第514號刑事歷審判決談起」,刊於月旦會計實務研究,第32期
- 「合建分售與特別背信──相關案件判決分析」,刊於月旦會計實務研究,第27期
- 「財報編製之裁量空間與法律責任──從臺灣新北地方法院102年度金字第11號民事判決談起」,刊於月旦會計實務研究,第25期
- 「獨立董事之獨立性」,刊於月旦會計實務研究,第20期
- 「無票面金額股運用初探」,刊於月旦會計實務研究,第17期
- 「專利侵權損害賠償計算方式介紹」,刊於PwC Taiwan智慧財產權要聞,第12期
- 「論銀行及保險業信用借貸揭示標準與立法芻議」刊於行政院消費者保護委員會消費者保護研究,第14輯
Important Research
- “The Analysis of the Legal issue of the Credit Extension to the Offshore Company”, LL.M. Thesis
- “The Study of Preliminary Injunction in the Case of Federal Corporation””,Angle Accounting Magazine, VO. 51.
- “The Scope of Business Person-in-Charge: An Analysis of Judgment of the Supreme Court 109 Tai-Shang-Tzu No.514”,Angle Accounting Magazine, VO. 32.
- “Joint Construction and the Crime of Special Breach of Trust”,Angle Accounting Magazine, VO. 27.
- “Discretion and Its Legal Responsibility in Preparing Financial Reports: An Analysis of Taiwan New Taipei District Court, Judgment No.11 Jin (2013)”,Angle Accounting Magazine, VO. 25.
- “Independence of Independent Director”,
Angle Accounting Magazine, VO. 20.
- “Introduction of No Par Value Shares”,
Angle Accounting Magazine, VO. 17.
- “Estimation of Damages in Patent infringement”, PwC Taiwan Intellectual Property Newsletter, VO. 12.
- “Disclosure Standards and Legislation Proposals for Credit Loans by Banks and Insurance Companies”, A Study of Consumer Protection, Vol. 14, Consumer Protection Commission of the Executive Yuan