尚佩瑩律師 Pei-Ying Shang
Email: py.shang@clc-law.com.tw
- 經濟部中小企業榮譽律師
- 源大環能股份有限公司(6639)獨立董事
- 桃園市政府既成道路審議委員
- 全國律師聯合會憲法訴訟實務委員會副主任委員、民事程序法委員會委員
- 勞動部工作場所性騷擾調查專業人才庫成員、教育部校園事件處理會議調查人才庫調查員、教育部校園霸凌事件專業調和及調查人才庫調查員、桃園市校園性侵害、性騷擾或性霸凌調查專業人才庫人員、高級中等以下學校學生申訴及再申訴評議委員會校外專家學者人才庫
- 元智大學管理學院兼任講師
- 英國倫敦大學學院國際銀行及金融法碩士
- 東吳大學法律學研究所碩士(刑事法組)
- 東吳大學法律學系學士
Education and Experience
- Honorary Counsel of Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan
- Chief Financial Officer of the 17th. term, Taoyuan Bar Association
- Associate Member of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK (ACIArb)
- Member of Anti-Bullying Investigation Specialist Database, Department of Education ,Taipei City Government
- Senior Lawyer of PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal
- Adjunct Lecturer of Yuan Ze University
- LL.M. (International Banking and Finance Law), University College London, UK
- LL.M. (Criminal Law), Soochow University, Taiwan
- LL.B., Soochow University, Taiwan
- 民事訴訟及商務爭端解決
- 刑事辯護、刑事告訴代理、陪同偵查程序
- 家事案件、校園事件
- 商務契約撰擬、跨境商務法律諮詢、公司法令遵循
- 協助歐洲上市集團之損害賠償請求案取得勝訴判決,標的金額逾新台幣1.7億元
- 協助香港上市集團在台成功請求履行併購契約,標的金額逾新台幣1仟2佰萬元
- 協助公司負責人被控投資詐欺案無罪定讞
- 協助金融機構之勞資爭議案勝訴定讞
- 公司營運相關合約撰擬及審閱,包括經銷、採購、人事等相關合約
- 公司融資服務,曾協助包括:製藥公司B輪融資,金額逾新台幣17億元、新創公司融資,金額逾新台幣6億元。
- 多次協助跨國併購案以及結合申報程序,包括台灣上市公司針對美國公司進行法律實地查核、台灣上市公司與歐洲知名音響公司資產收購案、知名生技公司股份轉換案
Specialized Area
- Civil Litigation, cross-border dispute resolution, capital market and corporate advisory.
- Criminal defense; criminal complaint (corporate crime, commercial fraud, market abuse, general crime).
- Family law Cases. Sexual harassment or bullying on campus cases.
- Represented a European listed group for claiming indemnification in excess of 170 million NTD.
- Represented a Hong Kong listed company to request the execution of an M&A contract successfully.
- Represented a former legal representative to defend the criminal accusation of investment fraud successfully.
- Represented a financial institution to deal with wage disputes and process relevant negotiations successfully.
- Consult on business set-up, investments, joint ventures, spin-off and liquidation, including acting as the legal counsel of an industrial communications company on the joint venture with a well-known cyber security company, the restructuring of offshore companies and the restructuring of a European listed life sciences company via spin-off.
- Draft and review contracts relating to company operations, including distribution, purchasing and employment contracts.
- Consulted on company financing, including: a pharmaceutical company with its series B financing totaling NTD 1.7 billion and a start-up company with its financing totaling NTD 0.6 billion.
- Advised on domestic and international M&A cases, drafted legal instruments and assisted with anti-trust filings, including: a listed company’s legal due diligence on an US company, the acquisition of assets in the Europe from a high-end luxury electronics company by a listed company and the share swap of a listed bio-pharma company.
- 貸款契約之授信風險控制與影子董事風險-從英國授信市場實務與私法判決談起(與李承陶律師合著),全國律師月刊,2022年12月號
- 公司印鑑與變更登記,月旦會計實務研究,2023年6月
- 董事資訊權之行使範圍,月旦會計實務研究,2022年6月
- 非法辦理匯兌業務加重處罰條件之適用──從臺灣高等法院108年度金上重訴字第41號判決談起,月旦會計實務研究,2022年2月
- 債務不履行與刑事詐欺──最高法院109年度台上字第5289號刑事判決解析,月旦會計實務研究,2021年2月
- 揭穿公司面紗原則在訴訟上之運用──最高法院108年度台上字第1738號民事判決解析,2020年12月
- 併購契約實地查核條款在訴訟上的影響──簡評臺灣臺北地方法院101年度重訴字第803號民事判決,月旦會計實務研究,2020年5月
- 併購專案的重大消息明確時點──從臺灣高等法院108年度金上訴字第10號刑事判決談起,月旦會計實務研究,2019年12月
- Grayson and Barnham v. the United Kingdom –the Confiscation of Criminal Profits,收錄於歐洲人權法院裁判選譯(三),司法院出版
- 無罪推定與舉證責任轉換—以歐洲人權法院相關裁判為借鏡,東吳大學法律學系碩士論文
- Company Seal and the Change of Registration, Angle Accounting Magazine, June 2023
- The Scopes of Directors’ Right to Information, Angle Accounting Magazine, June 2022
- The Aggravating Clause of Illegal Remittance: An Analysis of Taiwan High Court Judgment No. 41 Jin Shang Chong Su (2019), Angle Accounting Magazine, February 2022
- Default and Criminal Fraud: Analysis of Supreme Court Judgment No.5289 Tai Shang (2020), Angle Accounting Magazine, February 2021
- Piercing the Veil of Incorporation in Litigation: An Analysis of Supreme Court Judgment No. 1738 Tai Shang (2019), Angle Accounting Magazine, December 2020
- The Due Diligence Clause in the M&A Litigation: An Analysis of Taiwan Taipei District Court Judgment No. 803 ChongSu (2012), Angle Accounting Magazine, May 2020
- The Specificity of Inside Information in Merger and Acquisition Transactions: An Analysis of Taiwan High Court Judgment No.10 Jin Shang Su (2019), Angle Accounting Magazine, December 2019
- Grayson and Barnham v. the United Kingdom– the Confiscation of Criminal Profits in Selected Translations of Judgments of the European Court of Human Right, published by Taiwan Judicial Yuan.
- The Presumption of Innocence and Reverse Onuses – Observed from judgments of European Court of Human Rights, LL.M. Thesis of Soochow University.
- 品和桃園分所鄰近桃園市政府,可提供桃園及新竹地區客戶即時及效率的服務。
- 地址:桃園市桃園區三民路三段284號11樓
Taoyuan Office
- Our Taoyuan Office will provide Taoyuan and Hsinchu based clients timely and efficient legal services.
- Address: 11F., No. 284, Sec. 3, Sanmin Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 330004 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)