陳啟洲律師 Vincent Chen
Email: chichou@clc-law.com.tw
- 律師高考及格
- 桃園律師公會公益與法治教育委員會委員
- 議員服務處民眾法律諮詢律師
- 區公所民眾法律諮詢律師
- 曾任藍海先進法律事務所主持律師
- 曾任啟衡法律事務所合署律師
- 曾任法務部廉政署中部地區調查組查緝隊
- 曾任教育部政風處所屬科博館政風室薦任七職等組員
- 曾任基隆地方檢察署書記官
- 曾任遠東國際商業銀行風險管理處辦事員
- 具防制洗錢與打擊資恐專業人員資格
- 具促進民間參與公共建設專業人員資格
Education and Experience
- Licensed lawyer of Taiwan
- Committee Member of the Taoyuan Bar Association’s Public Welfare and Legal Education Committee
- Legal Consultant for the City Council Member Service Center
- Legal Consultant for the District Office
- Attorney at Blue Ocean Law Firm
- Attorney at Chi-Heng Law Firm
- Malpractices Investigation Division in Central Investigation Office of AAC,MOJ
- Ethics Official of National Museum of Nature Science
- Court Clerk of Keelung District Prosecutors Office
- Clerk of Risk Management Drpartment of Far Eastern International Bank Co., Ltd.
- Qualified in Professional Exam for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing Specialist
- Qualified in Professional Exam for Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
- 一般民事、刑事、家事訴訟案件
- 公部門相關案件
- 陪同接受警詢、偵訊
- 陪同公務人員出席行政機關調查會議
- 契約研擬及審閱
- 公司及商會常年法律顧問
- 幼兒園、托嬰中心常年法律顧問
- K書中心常年法律顧問
Specialized Area
- Civil, criminal and family cases
- Cases involving government agencies
- Accompany during Police Questioning and Interrogation
- Accompany in administrative agency investigation meeting
- Draft, review and revision of contracts
- Legal Consultant for Companies and Chambers of Commerce
- Legal Consultant for Kindergartens and Child Care Centers
- Legal Consultant for Study Centers