倪子嵐律師 Landy Ni
Email: landyni@clc-law.com.tw
- 自2014年從事法律工作迄今
- 曾任杰論法律事務所律師
- 曾任嘉德法律事務所律師
- 曾任天勤法律事務所實習律師
- 東吳大學兼任講師(民事訴訟法)
- 司法院司法智識庫信託法裁判資料整編研究助理
- 國科會專案計畫「以不能之給付為標的者契約無效」法則存廢之研究-兼看契約不履行典範之移轉研究助理
- 國科會專案計畫違約損害賠償責任歸責原則之立法模型-從比較法觀點出發研究助理
- 國立臺北大學法學碩士
- 國立臺北大學法律士
Education and Experience
- Practicing law since 2014
- Attorney at Jay Law Attorneys-At-Law
- Attorney at Jie De Law Office
- Intern Attorney at Bluesky Law Firm
- The Lecturer of Soochow University Taipei, Taiwan(Civil Procedure Act)
- Research Assistant, Compilation of Trust Law Materials in the Judicial Information Library
- Research Assistant, Research to support or abolish the principle of “If the prestation of a contract is impossible, it is void- Focusing on transfer paradigm of non-performance, National Science Council.
- Research Assistant, The legislation model of attribution theory of damages for breach of contracts – from the perspective of comparative laws, National Science Council.
- LL.M., National Taipei University
- LL.B., National Taipei University
- 上市、櫃公司一般法律諮詢
- 公司經營權爭議,以及衍生之訴訟及非訟事件
- 違反公司法及證券交易法衍生之民、刑事案件
- 上市公司之勞資爭議案件
- 家事及家族治理事件
- 不動產事件
- 一般民事、刑事、行政訴訟案件
- 各類契約之研擬及修正
Specialized Area
- Legal Consultant for listed/ OTC-traded companies
- Company management disputes, relevant litigations and non-litigious cases
- Civil, Criminal cases regarding violations of the Company Act and Securities and Exchange Act
- Labor-Dispute Resolutions
- Family cases
- Real estate cases
- Civil, criminal and administrative litigations
- Draft, review and revision of contracts
Important Research
The Connections between “Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus” and “Constructive Change Theory”-Based on the Public Construction Contract Disputes in Taiwan, LL.M. Thesis
- “Duties of Independent Director from the Oceanic Beverages Co., Inc. Case”, Angle Accounting Magazine, VO. 20.