朱俊銘律師 Anders Chu
Email: anderschu@clc-law.com.tw
- 2001 年司法官特考、律師高考考試及格
- 行政院國發會個人資料保護專案辦公室專家諮詢委員
- 證券暨期貨發展市場基金會電腦犯罪、資安、個資法、營業秘密法講師
- 曾任行政院林美珠政務委員辦公室調辦事檢察官
- 曾任行政院蔡玉玲政務委員辦公室調辦事檢察官
- 曾任臺灣士林地方法院檢察署檢察官
金融、電腦犯罪暨智慧財產權兼辦肅貪案件專組檢察官 - 曾任臺灣新北地方法院檢察署檢察官
金融秩序專組、婦幼保護專組、電腦犯罪暨智慧財產權專組、公訴組 - 臺灣銀行總行法務室辦事員
- 美國華盛頓大學法學碩士
- 國立臺灣大學法律學研究所民商法組法學碩士
- 國立臺灣大學法律系法學士
Education and Experience
- Licensed lawyer of Taiwan since Feb 2002
- Advisory committee member of Personal Data Protection Office, National Development Council
- Lecture of the Securities and Futures Institute
- Prosecutor, assisted the Minister Mei-Chu, Lin making policies or action plans
- Prosecutor, assisted the Minister Yu-Ling, Tsai making policies or action plans
- Prosecutor, Taiwan Shi-Lin District Prosecutors Office
- Prosecutor, Taiwan New Taipei District Prosecutors Office
- Clerk, Legal Affairs Office, Bank of Taiwan
- LL.M. (Global Business), University of Washington
- Master of Law, National Taiwan University
- Bachelor of Law, National Taiwan University
- 民、刑事案件、電腦網路犯罪、著作權法、商標法、營業秘密法、個人資料保護法、金融法規、資安法規、新興科技法律、契約審閱撰擬
- 國內知名金融保險科技公司常年法律顧問
- 國內知名網路行銷公司常年法律顧問
- 大陸知名短視頻公司常年法律顧問
- SQL 資料隱碼攻擊案、內線交易案、銀行行員假鈔代新鈔業務侵占案偵辦案、行賄員警偽造證明詐領強制汽車責任險案、離職工程師入侵電信業者機房致斷訊案、Foxy P2P 軟體違反著作權法案、未經授權使用電子地圖圖資侵害知名電子地圖開發商著作權案、職棒假球案公訴
Specialized Area
- Civil Code, Criminal Code, Computer crimes, Copyright Act, Trademark Act, Trade Secrets Act, Personal Data Protection Act, Financial laws and regulations, Information security laws and regulations, new technology related laws, contract review and drafting.
- Legal consultant of the well-known financial insurance technology corporation
- Legal consultant of the well-known internet marketing corporation
- Legal consultant of the well-known Chinese short-form mobile videos corporation
- Investigation on SQL injection attack, Insider trading, TCB Bank treasury embezzlement, Copyright infringement of FOXY (P2P Software), Copyright infringement of the well-known electronic map developer, Bribery, forgery, and fraud of compulsory car liability insurance, Trial on the final judgment of match-fixing (game-throwing) scandal of Chinese Professional Baseball League players
- 出席數位匯流下的訊號隱私、管制與執行研討會並報告有線電視訊號之竊取(2009年12月)
- 出席智慧財產權執行實務研討會(2008年7月)
International Seminars
- Seminar on Signal Piracy, Regulation, and Enforcement in a Convergent World, Jakarta, Indonesia (15-16 Dec, 2009) Attendee and Lecturer: Gave a lecture on “Tapping of Cable TV Signal”
- IPR Enforcement Workshop for Public Prosecutors and Judges, USPTO Headquarters, Alexandria, Virginia USA (14-18 July, 2008) Attendee
- 臺灣如何借鏡全球金融科技監理沙盒制度?(2017)
- 電腦軟體相關智慧財產權法制之探討-從開放原始碼運動出發(2003)
- 公司分割-問題研究與實例探討(元照出版公司,2002年6月)
- 「從大西洋飲料股份有限公司案看獨立董事之責任」,刊於月旦會計實務研究,第20期
Important Research and Publications
- How Taiwan Could Learn from Global Fintech Regulatory Sandbox Mechanism? (2017)
- Discussion On the Related Intellectual Property Laws of Computer Software -An Initial Observation from Open Source Movement (2003)
- Cooperate Division-Issues Discussion and Case Study 2002/06, Angle Press, ISBN: 9789572022689 Coauthor: equal contribution
- “Duties of Independent Director from the Oceanic Beverages Co., Inc. Case”, Angle Accounting Magazine, VO. 20.